Journal scan

Some gluten-free foods of lower nutritional value

People on a strict gluten-free diet, such as those with coeliac disease, may be consuming...

Groundwork laid for early detection of cancers with universal blood test

A study has laid the foundations for a universal blood test that could result in the earlier...

Nurses at greater breast cancer risk than other night shift workers

Nurses have the highest risk of developing breast cancer as well as gastrointestinal and...

Periods before age 12 signal risk of heart disease, stroke

Girls who start periods before turning 12 are at greater risk of heart disease and stroke in...

Shorten painkiller prescriptions to avoid health complications

Commonly prescribed painkillers need to be given for shorter periods of time to reduce the...

Breathing exercises help reduce pneumonia risk after surgery

Pneumonia and other serious lung complications after major abdominal surgery can be halved...

Women with diabetes need improved care during pregnancy

Novel approaches and technologies are needed to improve perinatal care for women with...

Young people cite adverse effects of energy drinks

A survey of young people aged 12 to 24 says they reported adverse effects from energy drinks...

BRCA mutation does not lessen breast cancer survival rate

Young women diagnosed with breast cancer and who carry an inherited BRCA gene mutation have...

Clinicians baffling patients with common medical words

Patients find it hard to understand commonly used medical terms, and clinicians need to...

Probiotics during pregnancy may cut pre-eclampsia, premature birth risk

Taking probiotics during pregnancy may lower the risk of pre-eclampsia and premature birth,...

Women prone to mood swings prompted by season, daylight

Women experience seasonal changes in their mood across the year, including more depression...

Adults born prematurely liable to more psychiatric problems

Adults born very prematurely experience higher rates of psychiatric symptoms than those who...

Hazard score predicts risk for onset of prostate cancer

Scientists have developed a hazard score to predict genetic risk of the onset of aggressive...

Women’s heart attack survival better if treated same as men

Fewer women who suffer a heart attack in the UK would die in the following year if the...

Genetic predisposition to obesity no barrier to weight management

The benefits of following a healthy diet to prevent long-term weight gain are greater in...

Diet containing processed meat may heighten breast cancer risk in middle-aged women

Eating 9g of processed meat per week in middle age may increase women’s breast cancer risk...

Vulnerable patients most likely to fail to keep GP appointments

Socio-economic factors are a key indicator of why patients miss multiple GP appointments,...

