Journal scan

Webcams help most parents bond with premature babies

A study into whether webcams can help with early bonding for parents of premature babies...

One in four medical students is teetotal

One in four medical students claims to be teetotal, and only one in 10 drinks more than the...

Ovary syndrome label upsetting women needlessly

A broadening of the definition of polycystic ovary syndrome has contributed to a steep rise...

Only two-thirds of trainee doctors aim to be GPs in NHS

A small study of doctors who are completing their training to become GPs found only two in...

Overweight people deemed healthy still face heart risks

Carrying extra weight could raise the risk of heart attack by more than a quarter, even for...

Female HCAs seen at higher risk of rheumatoid arthritis

Female healthcare assistants (HCAs) are at a slightly higher risk of developing rheumatoid...

Community support urged to curb ED use by patients with dementia

Researchers have called for better support in the community for people with dementia after a...

Advice to complete antibiotics seen as outdated

Patients may not need to complete a course of antibiotics as previously recommended by...

Video games can shrink or enlarge brain

Playing violent video games causes the brain to shrink, but it might be possible to reverse...

Link between mothers with troubled upbringing and their children's developmental...

Mothers who had a troubled childhood are more likely to have children with emotional and...

Pharmacist-led medicine service could save NHS £517 million

A scheme in which pharmacists help patients stick to their drug regimens could save NHS...

Allergy medicine may help treat DVT

Common anti-allergy medicines could prove to be an effective treatment for deep vein...

Vaccination campaigns make parents more sceptical

Strategies for correcting misinformation about the dangers of vaccinations have the opposite...

Tai chi may help prevent falls in older people

Doing the Chinese exercise tai chi improves balance control and flexibility in older people...

Less sleep linked to bigger waistlines

Adults in the UK who have poor sleep patterns are more likely to be overweight and obese and...

Poor survival rate seen for cancer patients with delirium

Patients with advanced cancer who present at emergency departments with delirium have a poor...

Targeted breast cancer radiotherapy reduces side effects

Targeted radiotherapy on the site where tumours first develop rather than to the whole...

Smokers more likely to quit after CT scan

Smokers who undergo a CT scan of their lungs are more likely to quit than those who do not,...

