Journal scan

Wearing fitness trackers harmful for schoolchildren

Wearing health and fitness tracking devices can have a negative effect on children of...

Keeping a diary helps people who hear voices

People who hear voices may benefit from recording their experiences in a diary, which is a...

Computer finds colorectal cancer risk by checking patients’ records

A computer algorithm can identify patients at risk of colorectal cancer by checking their...

End of life support lacking for people with dementia

People with dementia receive little specialist support at the end of their life despite high...

Dirty air bigger health risk than medical scan radiation

The health risks from modern life such as air pollution and smoking are higher than low-...

Sense of belonging vital for teenage mental health

Teenagers who lack a sense of belonging to social groups such as in their family, with...

Bigger waist size holds clue to breast cancer type

Women with excessive abdominal fat are at risk of developing a type of breast cancer that is...

Confrontations at GP surgeries on rise due to service pressures

Staff at GP surgeries are facing increasing levels of violence, harassment and threatening...

Respiratory nurses lack enough time for patients

NHS respiratory nurses are unable to spend long enough with patients, have to work extra...

Too little dream sleep raises dementia risk

People who have less rapid eye movement (REM) – the stage when dreaming occurs – during...

Exercise could help lift postnatal depression

Exercise could help women cope with postnatal depression and should be considered instead of...

No such thing as ‘healthy’ obesity

Researchers are urging a rethink over the term ‘metabolically healthy obesity’ after linking...

Fruit and veg required intake less than thought

Eating just three or four servings of fruit, vegetables and legumes per day may benefit...

State students top of class at medical school

State school students are likely to outperform privately educated students in medical school...

Brief mindfulness training helps heavy drinkers cut back

Mindfulness could help heavy drinkers start to cut back on alcohol consumption, according to...

Kids who skip breakfast may lack key nutrients

Children who skip breakfast regularly may not be consuming the daily amounts of key...

Brain pressure remedy found in common diabetes drug

A drug commonly used to treat patients with obesity or type 2 diabetes could be used as a...

Traffic fume particles can damage immune system

Tiny particles of carbon in traffic fumes can damage the immune system’s ability to kill...

