
Miners’ nurse recalls going down the pit

A new book tells the story of former Yorkshire pit nurse Joan Hart, who earned the respect...

In the front line of risk from violence

Violence perpetrated by patients against nurses can have devastating effects, and leads to...

Carter bows out with his head held high

RCN chief executive and general secretary Peter Carter leaves the college this month after...

A fresh take on prevention

Just four months into her first job as a staff nurse in a nursing home, Shauna Rooney began...

How over-recruiting saves cash

If two good nurses apply for one post, an increasing number of NHS trusts will appoint both...

Home comfort helps healing

Parents of hospitalised children can benefit from ‘home-away-from-home’ accommodation...

Artistic project is a chance to be happy

Third-year mental health nursing student Mark Collins introduced a group art project on to...

Touchscreen helps to ease cancer worries

An electronic holistic needs assessment developed by Macmillan Cancer Support is helping to...

RCNi.com – have you joined us yet?

In March we launched our website www.rcni.com . Since then, more than 27,500 of you have...

The long road to recovery

Nearly 80,000 people in the UK today were diagnosed with cancer when they were under the age...

Conscious of deterioration

Nurse consultant Gillian Robinson developed a coma assessment tool that has helped to...

A do-it-yourself drive to spread the D word

A community nursing team in Surrey led by Pauline Bigwood was recognised in the 2015 Nursing...

Feedback is catalyst for high-quality care

Serious concerns about care received by some patients at Whipps Cross Hospital in London led...

Sickle cell comes out of the shadows

A patient feedback tool has been developed to capture the experience of patients with sickle...

Diabetes care tool puts kids in control

The nursing team in the children’s diabetes service at Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust has...

Why should I have to use a catheter?

Rethinking continence care assumptions could reduce infection rates and save the NHS...

Taking the plunge with lipoedema

Women wait decades for an accurate diagnosis of lipoedema. Earlier diagnosis is essential to...

Work together to prevent infection

Nurse Tanya Kidson leads the team behind a set of assessment tools that are helping care...

