
Cancer survivors inspire self-care plan

Transforming the way services are run takes time and requires engagement at all levels. But...

How to tackle the taboos of FGM

Birmingham midwife Alison Byrne runs a clinic for women affected by FGM. It provides help...

Be prepared for revalidation

Revalidation aims to build a culture of continuous improvement. This article seeks to dispel...

A generation gap in career expectations

Health Education West Midlands’ project Every Student Counts has investigated the impact of...

Preparing to fly into the Twittersphere

So what is this thing called Twitter? Most people have heard of it, some are old hands at...

Thinking big on quality

The Northern Ireland Practice and Educational Council for nursing and midwifery is a small...

When fear becomes the barrier to care

A pilot clinic run by Barts Health NHS Trust in London offers cervical screening and...

Feel-good factor of a healthy workforce

New guidance from NICE recommends that employees’ health and wellbeing should be a core...

The little things that are the big things

Sharon Finn, a senior healthcare assistant at St Joseph’s Hospice in Hackney, London, has...

We took up the fight against Ebola

Following the Ebola outbreak in west Africa last year, UK military nurses joined the...

Consultant role bridges the gap

Little is known about how many people in the UK have both cancer and dementia, and support...

Trust trials new model of testing competency

In April 2016, the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s new revalidation model will come into...

Challenging people’s ideas

Amanda Derbyshire’s work in improving the physical health of patients with mental illness...

Years of experience to bring to the bank

Elizabeth Browse retired after 40 years, but missed caring for patients so much that she...

Keeping fit for purpose

Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust in Liverpool has introduced a popular programme of...

A brave approach paid dividends

A suspected deep tissue injury in a frail older patient alerted senior sister Gemma Smallman...

Better care ahead for infants and parents

Karine Latter has developed national nursing standards for infants born with Pierre Robin...

Miners’ nurse recalls going down the pit

A new book tells the story of former Yorkshire pit nurse Joan Hart, who earned the respect...

