
It’s time to end the attack on nurses’ pay

If you ask any nurse why they chose this profession it is unlikely they will say it was...

A powerful new voice for nursing

Mary Watkins will join the House of Lords as its fifth nurse peer. She has almost 40 years’...

Testing times for BRCA gene carriers

New commissioning guidance sets out who should be offered gene testing for raised risk of...

A helping hand for diabetes care

Specialist nurse Sandra Singleton and her team won Nursing Standard’s diabetes nursing award...

Revalidation support for agency workers

Revalidation presents particular challenges for agency nurses who work in different settings...

Seven-day services open new doors

In the drive to deliver seven-day NHS services, organisations have been told to focus on a...

Paving the way for safe discharge

A nurse-led ward at Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has supported patients who...

Keep score and help to ensure fair play

Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust equality lead Ricky Somal explains how a ‘workforce...

‘I want nurses to flourish in all areas’

Nursing is a great career, declares newly-appointed chief nursing officer for Scotland Fiona...

At what age are you too old to treat?

New research exposes a misconception that older people are more likely to refuse treatment...

Specialty that boosts survival

Jo-anne Fowles, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation lead nurse at Papworth Hospital NHS...

The workforce with strength in diversity

In 2000, three community trusts merged to become East London NHS Foundation Trust, a large...

Intelligent solution or poor substitute?

Health secretary Jeremy Hunt wants to see 1,000 new physician associates in primary care by...

Big lessons in revalidation

A huge revalidation pilot at Aneurin Bevan Health Board in Wales – more than 800 staff...

Seeing cancer from a cultural perspective

Black and minority ethnic people are at risk of delayed cancer diagnoses because of language...

‘We’re beating the BME bias’

When Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust discovered BME candidates for senior...

Race and the NHS – a chance for change

How can we make the NHS fairer for black staff? Start by having an honest conversation, said...

Be aware and beat the odds

Denton Wilson discovered he had prostate cancer aged 42, shortly after losing his father to...

