
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

Current practice in qualitative end of life research with the bereaved

A focused mapping approach of the recruitment to studies of grieving and bereaved people

Methodological considerations when using ethnography to explore home care

Background Ethnography has been widely and successfully used in nursing and healthcare...

Developing sustainable nursing and allied health professional research capacity

Helping nurses to be more confident in supporting others to develop their research skills

Evaluating participation in research by parents of children with life-limiting illnesses

The importance of assessing the burdens and benefits of parents' participation

Postpositivist critical realism: philosophy, methodology and method for nursing research

An overview of Bhaskar’s critical realism and its methods

Online forums for data collection: ethical challenges of study of views of birth plans

Ethical considerations of collecting women's views through online forums

Potential challenges of using narrative inquiry with at-risk young people

An overview of the challenges when conducting narrative research with at-risk young people

Strategies for using non-participatory video research methods in general practice

Each stage stage needs consideration, particularly its preparation and when collecting data

A short-term surgical mission on collecting ethnographic data in a remote environment

A reflexive contribution on collecting such data in an acute surgical setting

Transcription, analysis, interpretation and translation in cross-cultural research

Researchers undertaking cross-cultural studies must be culturally competent

Exchanging focus groups for individual interviews when collecting qualitative data

Researchers should reflect on rationales for using focus groups and/or individual interviews

The pros and cons of using photographs in nursing research

This paper aims to increase researchers’ awareness of visual methods and their potential

Social phenomenology: a personal research journey

A reflective account of adopting social phenomenology as a methodology in nursing research

Using consensus from experts to inform a shared understanding of subjective terms

Background Consensus methods such as Delphi studies or the group nominal method have long...

A conceptual model for establishing collaborative partnerships between universities and...

Background Collaborative partnerships are increasingly recognised as valuable and essential...

Using local communities to establish geographical boundaries for case studies

Background Case studies are widely used in the social sciences to explore complex phenomena...

A four-stage framework for conducting feminist storytelling research

Background Storytelling is a contemporary research method increasingly used in qualitative...

Reflections on developing a conceptual framework to support a constructivist grounded...

Background Developing a conceptual framework to underpin the design of qualitative research...
