
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

Developing a self-administered questionnaire: methods and considerations

A structured process for developing self-administered questionnaires

Academic writing retreats for nurses and allied health professionals

Developing engagement, dissemination and collaboration opportunities

Psychoanalytic therapy and narrative research interviewing: some reflections

Consider how you conduct interviews and what to share of the participants’ accounts

Exploring how children’s hospice nurses manage long-term relationships with parents

A feasibility study using mobile phones, WhatsApp and phone interviews

Handling missing data through prevention strategies in self-administered questionnaires

A discussion paper on strategies to prevent missing data in self-administered questionnaires

Being reflexive in research and clinical practice: a practical example

Being reflexive as a researcher and a nurse can transform the care of patients and families

Reflecting on ‘insider’ and ‘outsider’ positionality in culturally sensitive research

Insights from a female researcher undertaking research with young Pakistani men

The changing paradigm of research delivery during a pandemic – a reflective account

How clinical research nurse leaders in two NHS organisations responded to the pandemic

Experiences of a community of research practice: a service evaluation

Learn about the benefits and challenges of a community of practice for research

Perspectives on reporting non-verbal interactions

Qualitative researchers need to reach a consensus on focus groups and group interviews

The impact of COVID-19 on doctoral research

How nurse researchers can adapt to the challenges and new opportunities of disruption

A reflection on the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research

Researchers’ experiences of the framework’s benefits and challenges, and lessons learnt

An introduction to Bayes’ theorem and examples of its application

A look at Bayes’ theorem via examples of conditional probability and clinical applications
Open access

Public involvement in participatory research

The experiences of peer interviewers from Roma, Gypsy and Traveller communities

Email correspondence, interpretation and the psychoanalytically informed interview

Principles drawn from psychoanalysis and psychotherapy can inform research interviewing

Overcoming barriers to participant recruitment in qualitative research

Successful recruitment requires researchers to be flexible, innovative and persistent

Using Heidegger’s philosophy of dasein to support person-centred research

Dasein places people in a holistic context and values what is important to them

Developing and conducting appreciative inquiry interviews

The importance of reflexivity in the appreciative inquiry research process
