
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

Maximising nurses’ and midwives’ response rates to surveys

Background Low response rates to surveys have been a long-standing issue in research. This...

The use of phenomenology in mental health nursing research

Background Historically, mental health research has been strongly influenced by the...

The use of van Kaam’s psychophenomenological method to interpret the meaning of...

Background Phenomenology is a suitable method for investigating people’s experiences and van...

Emotion work in qualitative research: interviewing parents about neonatal care

Background ‘Emotion work’ is a term used to describe the emotional responses that may arise...

How helpful are mnemonics in the development of a research question?

Background The formulation of a research question is a vital first step in the research...

Determining the optimal cut-off scores for the Workplace Bullying Inventory

Background Over the past two decades, there has been considerable research into workplace...

Social media as a recruitment strategy: using Twitter to explore young people’s mental...

Background The development of a recruitment strategy requires nurse researchers to consider...

Preparing direct care nurses to function as research coordinators in a heart failure...

Background Nurses interviewed heart failure patients admitted to two rural hospitals, to...

Using videoed workshops in interdisciplinary research with people who have disabilities

Background Internationally, interdisciplinary research is advocated in healthcare. Such...

Aide-memoire diaries in longitudinal research

Background Diaries can be used as contemporaneous tools for gathering data, frequently in...

A novice researcher’s reflection on recruiting participants for qualitative research

Background This paper is a reflection by a PhD candidate on her qualitative study involving...

When study participants are vulnerable: getting and keeping the right team

Background Research assistants (RAs) are critical members of all research teams. When a...

Consulting with children, parents and a teacher to shape a qualitative study

Background Patient and public involvement is an emerging element of contemporary research...

Nurses as participants in research: an evaluation of recruitment techniques

Background Recruitment and retention of participants, as well as response rates, can be...

Crowdfunding: an innovative way to fund your project

Background Getting research funded is extremely difficult, with research councils rejecting...

Challenges in accessing and interviewing participants with severe mental illness

Background Interviews are widely used in qualitative research to collect data. However,...

Technology-enhanced focus groups as a component of instrument development

Background Bullying is a critical public health problem and a screening tool for use in...

Psychometric testing of inventory of beliefs and attitudes on domestic violence

Background Domestic violence (DV) is an international public health issue associated with...
