
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

Using cluster analysis to explore survey data

According to Beckstead (2002), ‘cluster analysis is a generic name for a wide...

Analyses approach: exploring the effect of emergency department interventions on...

This article describes an exploratory analysis approach to studying processes in an...

Conference presentations: developing nursing knowledge by disseminating research...

Conference presentations provide an ideal opportunity for nurses to convey and...

Visions of evidence-based nursing practice

Evidence-based practice (EBP) has gained increasing prominence in health care in...

Practitioner to researcher: reflections on the journey

Cara J Bailey is embarking on a study of end-of-life issues in an emergency...

Experiences of a novice researcher

Karen Clancy, a nurse consultant but a novice researcher, reflects on her study of...

Insider ethnography: tinker, tailor, researcher or spy?

Maxine Simmons reflects on her experiences as an ‘insider’ ethnographer – a senior...

The supervisor-student relationship in developing methodology

In this article, Carmel Seibold explores the unique relationship between supervisor...

Interviewing women: using reflection to improve practice

Caryl Skene uses a model of reflection to revisit her experience as a novice...

Older adults’ participation in research

Research with older adults involves unique challenges, says US-based researcher...

An investigation of factors that determine when men with erectile disorder present for...

This study by Sangan Sookdeb explored the factors that determine the time interval...

Ethical considerations in phenomenological research

Wendy Walker examines some important ethical issues that researchers need to...

Lost in translation? Undertaking transcultural qualitative research

If nurses are to undertake rigorous transcultural research, they must take account...

Getting started with qualitative research: developing a research proposal

The aim of this article is to illustrate in detail important issues that research...

Ethnography and staying in your own nest

In a 2004 paper, Martin Johnson suggested that ‘too many of us study our own...

Through the looking glass: being a critical ethnographic researcher in a familiar...

This article draws on the primary author’s experiences of conducting a critical...

Nursing relationships in ethnographic research: what of rapport?

Julie McGarry examines some of the issues associated with relationships that...

Typologies in nursing: a review of the literature

The generation and use of typologies is a familiar, but taken for granted, aspect...
