
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

Clarifying case study research: examples from practice

Increasingly, nurse researchers are using case studies to explore phenomena in...

Preparing for thesis and viva: some practicalities

Presenting a thesis and then undertaking the viva is challenging even for the most...

Research in prison: a researcher-practitioner’s view

The prevalence of physical and mental health problems is high in prisoners compared...

Narrative and narrative enquiry in health and social sciences

Increasingly, narrative and life story are being used in health and social sciences...

Storytelling: an approach that can help to develop resilience

Stories convey values and emotions, and can reveal the differences and similarities between...

Storytelling in risk management

The safe and competent use of complex medical devices requires training for...

Who am I and what am I doing? Becoming a qualitative research interviewer

Qualitative research can be influenced by the researcher’s role in the study. Here...

Using social exchange theory to guide successful study recruitment and retention

Participant attrition (withdrawal or loss after entering a study) is a major threat...

Bracketing – practical considerations in Husserlian phenomenological research

Nursing research leans heavily towards naturalism, with phenomenology commonly...

Phenomenology and participant feedback: convention or contention?

Steps to enhance the rigour of qualitative research are much debated in nursing...

Understanding phenomenology

Phenomenology is a philosophic attitude and research approach. Its primary position...

Protecting the rights of individuals in collaborative research

Collaborative research provides numerous benefits, such as the contribution of...

Making research supervision work for you

Doctoral students face a number of challenges during research. Guidance and support...

Reflections on preparing a poster for an RCN conference

The acceptance letter for the RCN Annual International Nursing Research Conference...

Constructing vignettes to investigate anger in multiple sclerosis

The physical effects of multiple sclerosis (MS) mean participating in research...

Using survey data to assist theoretical sampling in grounded theory research

Grounded theory methods can help to generate a theoretical explanation of social...

An exploration of the origin of classic grounded theory

In grounded theory, assumptions and paradigms underpin the approach giving the...

Systematic review protocols: an introduction

Systematic reviews are a thorough and efficient method of appraising literature and...
