
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

Causes and treatment of early lymphoedema

Lymphoedema – the swelling of an arm, leg or other part of the body – due to an...

Developing a self-assessment quality of life tool

The specialist nurse is in a prime position to provide holistic care and this care...

Palliative care education for community based nurses

A fundamental aim of the NHS Cancer Plan (2000) is to improve the experience of...

Mouth care and ritualistic practice

Oral complications, such as mucositis inflammation of the mucous membrane which can...

Tumour of the appendix: pseudomyxoma peritonei

This paper describes the experiences of a patient with pseudomyxoma peritonei, a...

Developing palliative care services in partnership

Last month’s publication of the NICE guidance document, Improving Supportive and...

Reviewing nursing support in cancer care

Supportive care has come to the forefront of political attention, a fact symbolised...

Transition: from staff nurse to clinical nurse specialist

Much has been written about the difficulties in making the transition from a...

Establishing specialist palliative care provision for care homes

As the British population ages, it is increasingly common for elderly patients with...

CNS home visits following diagnosis of lung cancer

The increasing numbers of patients diagnosed with lung cancer and the specialised...

Meeting the diverse needs of urological cancer patients

Urological cancers account for about 37,000 new cancers and over 15,000 deaths each...

Establishing clinical rotation programmes in cancer and palliative care nursing

The establishment of rotational nursing posts for practitioners wishing to develop...

Nurse management of trastuzumab for patients with breast cancer

Modern techniques that enable the molecular characterisation of cancerous tissue...

Pancreatic cancer: optimising the patient experience

Pancreatic cancer is a substantial therapeutic challenge as the disease is often...

Dealing with uncertainty: caring for newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients

The emphasis on informed choice for patients raises important questions regarding...

Chemotherapy infusion times: a comparison of infusors with Hickman catheters and PICCs

Patients must receive the correct dose of chemotherapy delivered over the...

Educating healthcare support workers in cancer and palliative care

The Cancer Care Alliance (CCA) Network for Teesside, South Durham and North...

A psycho-educational support group for women with ovarian cancer

It has been suggested that group psychological support can have advantages over...

