
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

‘Human costs’ of breast cancer among non-English speaking BME women

This article describes a qualitative exploratory research study aimed at...

The Liverpool Integrated Care Pathway for the dying patient with diabetes

When a patient can no longer express his or her views, close attention needs to be...

Thought for food: nutritional assessment of chemotherapy patients

Cancer and its treatment can give rise to enduring nutritional problems for...

Chemotherapy waiting times: capacity and demand to improve services

This article explores the phenomenon of ‘waiting’. It looks in particular at the...

Developing competence: an evaluation of a nurse rotation pilot programme

The South East London Cancer Network Rotation Project established a rotation...

Extending outpatients’ hours

An evening clinic for urological follow-up appointments was led by a nurse...

Community cancer nursing: shifting the balance from secondary to primary care

The NHS Cancer Plan highlights the need to improve and advance cancer services in...

Radiotherapy review for patients with breast cancer: a new approach

This article describes a study designed to assess the effectiveness of a new...

Quality of death: humanisation versus medicalisation

A ‘good death’ is a multi-faceted phenomenon whose strands may be difficult to...

Hand-foot syndrome: exploring the provision of information for patients

This article explores the literature on hand-foot syndrome (HFS), a potentially...

Advanced breast cancer: aetiology, pathogenesis and treatment

Even though the number of women affected by breast cancer continues to rise...

‘Trial or error?’ Are the right patients being chosen for the right trial?

Recruiting patients into clinical trials is a lengthy and specialised process that...

Exploring nursing care in outpatient oncology clinics in Ireland

Often individuals with cancer attend outpatient clinics for follow-up care. In the...

Implementing inter-professional supervision within a hospice setting

Care of people who require specialist palliative care demands a range of specialist...

Multiple myeloma: understanding the impact of the disease

Multiple myeloma is a cancer of the red bone marrow and despite modern treatments,...

Involving cancer patients in the education of healthcare professionals

Recent years have seen a move away from a hierarchical and paternalistic...

Hormone treatment for breast cancer

For women who have oestrogen and/or progesterone receptor-positive breast cancer,...

Patient experience of breast screening and X-ray guided core biopsy

This survey was carried out as part of an on going audit of women’s satisfaction...

