Andrea Downey

Nurse dons PPE, which will still be provided free in England
Nursing Standard

PPE for COVID-19: free provision is extended to next year

Nurses should never be left to buy their own protective equipment, union insists

Nursing Standard

New COVID-19 self-isolation rules: what nurses need to know

Isolation period for people testing positive in England reduced to five days from 17 January

Picture shows prime minister Boris Johnson speaking in the House of Commons today
Nursing Standard

Nurses condemn Boris Johnson over lockdown party in Downing Street

Prime minister apologises for lockdown party as nurses take to social media to protest

Nursing Standard

Respiratory illness in children: nurses urged to check symptoms

Charity warns rise in infections could coincide with surge in COVID-19 infections

Picture of a medic holding a lateral flow test cartridge showing a positive result
Nursing Standard

Rules change from today for nurses testing positive in lateral flow tests for COVID-19

Asymptomatic nurses won’t need PCR test in move to ease staff absences, free lab capacity

Elizabeth Anionwu
Nursing Standard

Nurses go on social media to urge vaccine take-up as infection rates continue to rise

Nurses on Twitter share reasons for being vaccinated and encourage others to do same

Army medics deploy to London hospitals in COVID staff absence crisis
Nursing Standard

Military medics plug NHS staffing gaps in COVID-hit hospitals

‘Hurried’ NHS deployment points to depth of staffing crisis as COVID-19 absence spirals

Nursing Standard

NHS needs 17,000 more nurses to deal with patient backlog

Lack of government plan to tackle record waiting lists, says former health secretary

Nurse sits with head in hand, looking drained
Nursing Standard

We’re beyond tired: nurses open up about why so many want to quit

Toll that punishing workload and unpaid hours are taking is revealed in nurses’ own words

Some of the nurses named in the new year's honours list
Nursing Standard

New year’s honours recognise nurses’ efforts during COVID-19 and beyond

Vaccine workforce lead and suicide prevention programme innovator among those named

Picture shows a young woman medic with her eyes closed and looking tired
Nursing Standard

Thousands of nurses want to quit due to exhaustion, survey shows

Many nurses say they feel undervalued, work unpaid overtime or when unwell and skip holidays

Image showing an array of screens and large letters in front of them saying Top 10
Nursing Standard

Top ten: our most-read articles of 2021

A look back at the ten most-read news stories in Nursing Standard over the past year

Nursing Standard

Presents from patients: when is accepting a Christmas gift not allowed?

Patients may want to show appreciation, but there are rules about gifts to staff

Nursing Standard

NMC reports rise in discrimination against black and minority ethnic staff

Regulator affirms commitment to inclusivity as survey records increase in discrimination

Nursing Standard

Unions join forces to call for judicial review of ‘unfair’ NHS pension charges

Millions of NHS workers have been overcharged for pension contributions since 2015

Picture shows a vaccination being carried out
Nursing Standard

MPs back compulsory COVID-19 vaccinations for front-line NHS nurses

Mandatory vaccination rule for front-line staff in England to take effect in April

Nursing Standard

Loneliness and mental health struggles at Christmas: staff urged to seek support

Winter pressures and shift schedules can affect well-being, but support is available

Nursing Standard

Record number of nursing students accepted on university courses

Health Education England chief nurse describes increased numbers as a major milestone
