Andrea Downey

Nursing Standard

Nurse vacancies: publishing workforce projections ‘doesn’t go far enough’

RCN comments on House of Lords vote to request more regular staffing data from government

Nursing Standard

From the COVID-19 front line to Olympic curling champion

Nurse Vicky Wright won gold in Beijing and says the sport helps her cope with work pressures

Health leaders oppose end of COVID rules, including free lateral flow tests
Nursing Standard

Scrapping COVID rules would be gung-ho and a leap in the dark, say health leaders

Will you feel safe at work with no fresh guidance on infection prevention and control?

Nursing Standard

Government rejects calls to address nurse burnout and shortage

Unions say government focus is on cost ‘above all else’ instead of NHS workforce

Staffing level boards at a hospital in Grimsby, north Lincolnshire
Nursing Standard

Unions condemn refusal to introduce safe staffing law on nurse-patient ratio in England

Onus will remain on employers at local level despite legislation in other UK nations

RCN balloted Northern Ireland members on 3% pay offer
Nursing Standard

NHS pay ballot: have nurses moved one step closer to taking industrial action?

Resounding vote by RCN members in Northern Ireland’s NHS makes their discontent clear

woman looks unwell at home as NHS issues guidance to employers on long-COVID
Nursing Standard

Give staff with long-COVID chance of redeployment ahead of dismissal – NHS guidance

NHS England says trusts should seek alternative roles for staff on long-term sick leave

Nursing Standard

PM’s ‘reckless’ plan to scrap COVID regulations causes concern for vulnerable groups

Nurses left with no clear guidance over infection risks and self-isolation changes

Nurse ponders issues of COVID vaccination for healthcare staff
Nursing Standard

Refusing COVID-19 vaccination will not place your NMC registration in jeopardy

It’s up to nurses’ employers to address vaccine hesitancy, insists regulator

Picture shows the main entrance of Northwick Park Hospital in Harrow
Nursing Standard

Nurse-led programme redirecting patients from ED saves hundreds of clinical hours

Emergency department trial in London has saved around 450 clinical hours in first two months

Nursing Standard

Overseas recruitment: government promises 10,000 nurses by end of March

Pledge is part of plan to tackle all-time high waiting list for treatment in England

Picture of John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford
Nursing Standard

Intensive care nurses in Oxford to lose pay premium due to ‘inequities’

Nurses at John Radcliffe Hospital reportedly disheartened but no one has complained to RCN

Picture shows a collection of polymer banknotes issued by Scottish banks, featuring entrepreneur Kate Cranston and poet Robert Burns
Nursing Standard

Scottish nurses furious over pandemic thank-you payments to highly paid council staff

Thousands of the £500 payments went to council staff far from front line, GMB union says

Picture of the Nursing and Midwifery Council headquarters in Portland Place, London
Nursing Standard

Most nurses approve controversial update of post-registration standards, regulator says

Proposed changes seen as fit for purpose and they now go to NMC for approval

Sajid Javid
Nursing Standard

COVID-19 jab no longer mandatory for front-line nurses as government announces U-turn

April deadline scrapped to make way for consultation amid worries over staff shortages

Nursing Standard

Mandatory COVID-19 vaccination: we’ll keep reviewing the rules, says minister

Sajid Javid tells MPs every nurse and other front-line health worker should be vaccinated

Nursing Standard

Inflation-proof pay rise for nurses might ‘persuade many burnt-out staff to stay’

Unions give evidence to NHS pay review body and demand action from ministers

Unmasked passengers on tube train
Nursing Standard

COVID-19: what will the lifting of Plan B restrictions mean for nurses?

RCN says end of mandatory measures will ‘do nothing to relieve pressure on NHS’
