Andrea Downey

A group of nurses in uniform sit talking in a workplace setting, as if during a group clinical supervision session

Protected time for clinical supervision: which nurses will benefit from new rules?

Properly protected supervision time aims to enhance skills and avoid burnout

A nurse touches a body-worn camera that is attached to the front of her blouse

Should body-worn cameras be used in your work?

They can help tackle violence and aggression, but there are ethical considerations

Outline of a human head with sticky notes in different colours attached to it, suggesting the labels some nursing staff apply to others

Don’t call me that! Why lazy labelling has no place in nursing

How a culture of calling colleagues by their role or pay band is demotivating and divisive

Photo of busy hospital ward, illustrating story about rising demand for care

Rise in nurse numbers ‘has not kept pace with demand for care’

Health think-tank also says growth in staff has not been spread evenly across NHS

Photo of nurses striking at Antrim Area Hospital in Northern Ireland last week

‘Anger and frustration’ of nurses may spark more strikes over pay

Union warns that Northern Ireland’s nurses could take further industrial action

A nurse supports a woman who is having a mammogram

Breast cancer: boost to specialist nurse numbers could slash costs

Investment in cancer nurse specialists could save NHS up to £118 million

A nursing associate prepares a female patient for a vaccination

Nursing associates set to be introduced in Wales

Band 4 role will mirror that in England but RCN cautions against exploitation

An aerial view of a row of semi-detached houses surrounded by flood water

QNI grant will help community nurses severely affected by UK flooding

Storms in the UK have forced people out of their homes with some nurses unable to work

A nurse writes in a grid on a hospital white board with the word 'discharge' in capital letters above it

Delayed discharge figures prompt fresh worries over community nurse staffing shortage

Cost of delays tops £1.2 billion and also raises patient safety concerns, says RCN Scotland

Nursing associate works with seated patient's IV line – the band 4 role is being considered for Wales’s NHS

Nursing associates must not be used to strip out the nurse workforce, union warns

Ministers considering introducing the registered band 4 role for Wales’s NHS

Doctors on a picket line at St Thomas’ Hospital in London

Junior doctors’ strike: do nurses have to pick up the workload?

A fresh wave of NHS industrial action is likely to directly affect nursing workloads

Nursing apprentices celebrate as their programme’s first cohort to qualify

Two-year programme was established by independent healthcare provider

Exploitation of overseas care staff exposed by BBC documentary

Panorama investigation uncovers workers’ stories in a ‘deeply disturbing’ TV programme

Healthcare visa changes prompt ‘grave concerns’ for staffing levels in social care

Ban on overseas workers bringing family to UK could drive people away, says care chief

Nurse retention must improve amid ‘stubbornly’ high vacancy rates

RCN Scotland urges government to fund reforms including a shorter working week

Nurse jailed for seven years for ill-treating patients

Catherine Hudson was convicted of drugging patients on a stroke unit to ‘keep them quiet’

Pay review: delay inevitable as government yet to trigger 2024-25 process

Any pay deal decided will not be completed before new financial year

Protecting you from physical and verbal abuse – what healthcare organisations can do

Framework aims to help employers prevent and learn from patients’ or public’s attacks
