
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Seacole backlash is ‘storm in a bed pan’

The artist behind the controversial Mary Seacole statue has responded to criticism

Clarity needed on future of nurse advisers

Health committee chair tables a number of questions for the Department of Health

RCN council promises to investigate nursing associate role

Council chair responds to debate on whether the new role should be registered

Emergency department calls for volunteers to knit ‘Twiddlemuffs’

Hospitals appeals for volunteers to knit woollen muffs for dementia patients because it can...

Cuts to the public health budget condemned as short sighted by nurses

RCN council to insist that the government reinstates adequate funding for public health

Nurse-led cervical screening programme a success

Nursing staff at South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust can have on-site screening at...

Call to ensure district nurses 'become assertive and influential' leaders...

RCN congress resolution to bolster district nurses' qualifications passed with majority vote

Unsocial hour payments 'will probably go', warn nurses at RCN congress...

Maura Buchanan issues warning when speaking at the RCN congress debate on 7-day care

Nurses criticise plans to axe government's nursing policy unit...

RCN will urge health secretary Jeremy Hunt to reconsider plans to scrap DH nursing experts

Congress votes not to lobby for individual CPD training budgets

Nurses felt a need for more money to help revalidate

NHS 111 service found ‘inadequate’

Failure to run the NHS 111 service adequately has led to South Western Ambulance Service NHS...

Year-round pressure ‘the new normal’ in NHS

RCN highlights unprecedented burden in recent months and concern over lack of capacity

Fight for pay and conditions needs ‘noisy nurses’

Congress backs resolution that RCN Council work with employers to ensure pay review body’s...

Raise awareness of sickle cell disease, nurses told

All nurses need to be aware of the issues around sickle cell disease so that they can ensure...

Agency nurses deserve support and respect, nurses told

Delegates at RCN congress heard that agency nurses make a big contribution and should not be...

Row mars unveiling of Mary Seacole statue

Florence Nightingale supporters claim the Mary Seacole statue should not be outside St...

Every nurse should be an e-nurse

RCN votes to promote vision of a digital nursing future

Call to abolish 'relic' of 1967 Abortion Act

Nurses dismiss British abortion law as ‘Victorian’ and ‘widely out of step’

