
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

London mayor urges rethink on scrapping nursing bursary

Sadiq Khan says move would threaten supply of nurses in the capital

Ebola nurse receives honorary degree

British nurse Will Pooley has received an honorary degree from the University of Essex for...

Health warnings issued as temperatures soar in England and Wales

Public health bodies have provided advice on staying well during hot weather

Funds to tackle obesity are set to be slashed

Frontline nurses warn that public health cuts are putting public safety at risk

Covert filming improves care, says care home boss

Bramley Court care home in Birmingham installed cameras in 2015

MPs in new push for U-turn over nursing bursaries

Early day motion put forward by Labour MP Alan Meale urges government to reconsider its plan...

RCN president Cecilia Anim awarded honorary doctorate

Accepts award on behalf of all nurses

Psychological screening

Psychological screening

Nurses and parents should collaborate to prevent deterioration in children's health

Launch of national resource for recognising and responding to young people at risk of health...

Families should take more hands-on role in care of older relatives, says dementia expert

Professor June Andrews speaking at RCN fellows event on the challenges of an ageing...

French nurses tell of aftermath of lorry attack

French president François Hollande praised 'exemplary' healthcare staff.

Theresa May and Jeremy Hunt urged to urgently re-examine nursing issues

Political overhaul leads to new hope for nurses

District nurses and midwives among UK's top ten most accident-prone drivers

Healthcare professions made up all the top ten most likely occupations to have had an at-...

Nurses' dismay as Jeremy Hunt stays on as health secretary ...

Health secretary Jeremy Hunt keeps his job in a surprise move by new prime minister Theresa...

Robots could instruct nurses, scientists claim

Robots could instruct nurses, scientists claim

EU nurses are welcome in Wales

EU nurses are welcome in Wales

Vulnerable older people paying price for lack of integrated care

CQC report highlights need for improved coordination of services

Call for better sex education for smartphone generation

Terrence Higgins Trust report says current teaching is 'unfit' for modern life

