
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

'Halt reduction in health visitor numbers'

Health visitor funding must be protected, says RCN

Nurse among the line-up for latest Great British Bake Off

A nurse who works on an acute respiratory ward is preparing to swap catheters for cakes.

Pledge to keep nursing student bursary

Labour's Owen Smith would 'reverse government decision'

'Children's health at stake'

RCN warns of shortages of paediatric nurses and doctors

Hundreds of cancer patients were organ donors, new figures reveal

People with a history of cancer are being reminded they may be able to become organ donors...

Top nurse appointed to help turn around Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust

Leading nurse Elaine Inglesby-Burke has been announced as the new chief nurse at Pennine...

New TB guidance for nurses from the International Council of Nurses

The International Council of Nurses has published new guidelines on tuberculosis (TB) for...

Funding details for Scottish nursing students announced

Nursing students studying in Scotland will be eligible for a £6,578 bursary in the coming...

Practice nurses and other primary care workers ‘worrying’ stress levels, poll finds

Nearly nine in ten practice nurses, GPs and other primary care workers find their work life...

Emergency nurses fear for their jobs over night closures

Nurses at an overstretched A&E department forced to close at night feel uncertain about...

Online fame for emergency nurse after he is mistaken for Olympic hero

Joe Clarke is enjoying his moment of fame after being mistaken online for a Team GB gold-...

Nurses ‘falling asleep at the wheel’ after gruelling shifts

Nurses have laid bare the dangers of driving home after long shifts.

Nurses deserve a 15% pay rise, the RCN says

Nurses who have endured pay freezes and salary restraints deserve to be paid 15% more they...

Prize-winning student nurse gets royal seal of approval

A nursing student has been given the royal seal of approval from the Prince of Wales after...

Spate of measles outbreaks at music festivals sparks MMR plea

Measles cases at summer festivals prompt Public Health England to issue vaccination reminder

Scottish students race to get last remaining nursing places north of the border

A small number of places on nursing degrees in Scotland are still available through clearing.

Nursing Standard calls for U-turn from Theresa May over student bursary

Nursing Standard urges PM not to scrap the NHS bursary

Cash, a trout, Rolex watch and garden hose among gifts offered to NHS staff, Nursing...

Cash in envelopes, a trout, a Rolex watch and a garden hose are among the gifts offered to...

