
Employers fall short in tackling staff stress and burnout

Survey shows efforts to provide clinical supervision and relaxation classes aren’t reaching...

‘Nurses risk failing to revalidate without protected CPD time’

RCN warns that pressures on funding and staffing mean nurses have no time for CPD at work

Hospital food: the trusts yet to reach nutrition standards

Providers in England making good progress on the five standards, but there is still work to...

Short-staffing pressure threatens nurses’ well-being

Nurses’ well-being is threatened by staff shortages that result in many regularly working...

Compulsory flu jab for NHS staff – moral duty, or morale wrecker?

Opinion is divided about how best to boost nurses’ uptake of the influenza vaccine

Pay and recruitment take centre stage at congress

Delegates will debate staffing, the water bottle issue and how to attract more men into...

Dearth of board-level nurses bad for patients

More nurses needed on boards to avoid strategic missteps

How nurses can protect continence care

Take action if care is compromised, say nurse leaders

Respiratory disease: how collaboration can make a crucial difference

Non-specialists in all fields of nursing can help improve diagnosis, treatment and access

Is stereotyping affecting your pay?

A planned research project will investigate whether social attitudes to nursing have created...

Exclusive: Thousands of false 'nurses'

Many unregistered NHS support staff have the word ‘nurse’ in their job titles

What will the pay deal mean for you?

Could it also help to solve the workforce crisis?

Wales adopts safe staffing laws while the rest of the UK watches

Will the rest of the UK follow suit?

Exclusive: The threats to safety faced by nurses who work alone

Nurses who work alone are subject to a multitude of dangers

Pay: why this year's salary increase may depend on where you live...

The final article in our series on the 2018 negotiations on nurses’ pay examines some of the...

Road block looms over bid to link pay to productivity

This latest article in our series on the 2018 pay negotiations looks at what is shaping up...

Survey reveals end of life care compromised

Difficulties in delivering a dignified death intesify

Shake-up of flawed pay bands system could make it quicker to get to the top

The third of our series of articles setting the scene for the 2018 negotiations on nurses’...

