CPD articles

Our continuing professional development (CPD) articles are designed to assist with your nursing skills and practice.

Supporting older adults who misuse alcohol

Why you should read this article: • To enhance your understanding of the drinking patterns of older adults and what influences them • To gauge how to approach the subject of alcohol misuse with older adults in your care • To contribute towards revalidation as part of your 35 hours of CPD (UK readers) • To contribute towards your professional development and local registration renewal requirements (non-UK readers) Older adulthood is a unique time of transition often referred to as the ‘golden years’. It is characterised by positive life experiences such as retirement but also by a loss of routine, identity and meaning. The literature identifies alcohol misuse as a growing issue in this population. However, the stigma, perceptions and patterns of drinking associated with alcohol misuse among older people can be a barrier to individuals seeking health advice. This article identifies that older adulthood is a period when nurses can offer health education and support using their unique relationships with patients to encourage healthy drinking behaviours.

Exercise as a falls prevention strategy in the care of older people

Exercise as a falls prevention strategy in the care of older people

Nurses should motivate older people to exercise and adopt exercise-based falls prevention strategies

Identifying incontinence and promoting continence in people living with dementia

Identifying incontinence and promoting continence in people living with dementia

Practical strategies that can support people living with dementia and their family carers

Benefits of deprescribing for older people with frailty and polypharmacy: part two

Benefits of deprescribing for older people with frailty and polypharmacy: part two

Nurses should be aware of tools that may assist in preventing or reducing inappropriate medicines use

Benefits of deprescribing for older people with frailty and polypharmacy: part one

Benefits of deprescribing for older people living with frailty and polypharmacy: part 1

Adverse effects of polypharmacy on older people and medicines optimisation for those living with frailty

Recognising, reducing and preventing deconditioning in hospitalised older people

Recognising, reducing and preventing deconditioning in hospitalised older people

How nurses can help older people in hospital regain their mobility

Open access
Improving nutrition and hydration in older people with dementia in care homes

Improving nutrition and hydration in older people with dementia in care homes

Person-centred interventions to improve food and drink intake of older people with dementia

Frailty: an overview of concepts, risk factors, assessment tools and interventions

Frailty: an overview of concepts, risk factors, assessment tools and interventions

Increase your knowledge of how to assess, prevent and reduce frailty

‘Guiding Lights for effective workplace cultures’: enhancing the care environment for staff and patients in older people’s care settings

‘Guiding Lights for effective workplace cultures’

Enhancing the care environment for staff and patients in older people’s care settings

Implementing COVID-19 infection prevention and control measures in long-term care settings

COVID-19 infection prevention and control measures in long-term care settings

Enhance your knowledge of infection prevention measures to reduce risk of COVID transmission

Demonstrating empathy when communicating with older people

Demonstrating empathy when communicating with older people

Empathy is integral to communication with older people and central to person-centred care

Supporting older people experiencing anxiety through non-pharmacological interventions

Supporting older people experiencing anxiety through non-pharmacological interventions

Anxiety is a debilitating condition that adversely affects people’s quality of life

Basic assessment and treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms in older women

This article aims to provide nurses with an understanding of lower urinary tract symptoms

Preventing and managing pressure ulcers in patients receiving palliative care

Appropriate nursing care to prevent, improve and heal pressure ulcers

Preventing, identifying and managing delirium in nursing homes and acute settings

Older people in nursing homes are vulnerable to delirium, a condition causing confusion

Holistic pain assessment in older people and older people living with dementia

Nurses have a crucial role in pain assessment for older people and those living with dementia

Sexually speaking: person-centred conversations with people living with a dementia

Nursing responsibilities in addressing sexuality in people living with a dementia

Type 2 diabetes in older people: pathophysiology, identification and management

Exploring the implications of increased longevity and how this is linked to type 2 diabetes

