
Band 5 nurse pay: some NHS staff can request banding review

Nurses can apply for banding review if they believe their role has outgrown the scope and pay level of band 5 – but only if they work in NHS Scotland
Nurse smiles on picket line during RCN pay strike in England’s NHS, holding banner calling for ‘fair pay for nursing’

Nurses can now apply for banding review if they believe their role has outgrown the scope and pay level of band 5 – but only if they work in NHS Scotland

Nurse smiles on picket line during RCN pay strike in England’s NHS, holding banner calling for ‘fair pay for nursing’
Picture: John Houlihan

All band 5 nurses in Scotland’s NHS can now apply for a band review and potential upgrade to ensure their salary reflects their skills, tasks and responsibilities.

RCN Scotland lobbied for the review process during pay talks after many members shared frustrations that their skills had outgrown the scope of their banding and therefore their pay.

RCN Scotland director Colin Poolman said: ‘It is great for our NHS members that the review process has been launched. It’s taken longer than it should have. We have said many times that valuing the safety-critical role of nursing staff, through fair pay and working conditions, is key to retaining and recruiting the nursing workforce.

‘This review of band 5 nursing roles is one piece of the jigsaw puzzle to help get people into nursing and make sure they have a long and satisfying career.’

Make your views heard: England consultation on bands 4-6 roles closes soon

In England, an NHS Staff Council consultation on nursing and midwifery job profiles in bands 4-6 closes on June 30.

And earlier this year, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) asked for evidence on whether NHS nurses should have their own pay spine separate from the Agenda for Change framework. Findings are yet to be published.

Nurses’ protected learning time and shorter working week

The banding review is one of the three recommendations of an Agenda for Change review secured during pay negotiations. The other two proposals – protected time for learning and a reduced working week – have already been implemented.

RCN Scotland is encouraging its NHS band 5 members to apply via an online portal designed for the process. Nurses can expect to receive an email soon from their employer, explaining the process and providing a portal link.

Guidance on NHS Scotland band 5 reviews

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