
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

Leadership support for ward managers in acute mental health inpatient settings

This article shares findings of work undertaken with a group of mental health ward managers...

The RAFAELA system: a workforce planning tool for nurse staffing and human resource...

The RAFAELA system was developed in Finland during the 1990s to help with the systematic and...

Protected engagement time in mental health inpatient units

Protected engagement time in mental health inpatient units is a fixed period each day during...

A trust-wide review of clinical nurse specialists’ productivity

The contribution made by clinical nurse specialists (CNSs) to patient care needs to be...

Review of non-medical prescribing among acute and community staff

All employers of non-medical prescribers (NMPs) have a duty to ensure they remain competent...

Ten years of transfusion practitioners and better blood transfusion in Scotland

After the Department of Health’s Better Blood Transfusion recommendations ( DH 2002 ) ten...

Self-management in chronic conditions: partners in health scale instrument validation

Aims This article describes a study that aimed to validate the Self-care in Chronic...

Care and comfort rounds: improving standards

Person-centred, safe and effective care is at the heart of the fundamentals of caring....

Horizontal hostility and verbal violence between nurses in the perinatal arena of...

The goal of this US study was to determine the frequency of horizontal violence in a...

Embedding NHS values: a framework and learning tool to support practice

Multiple healthcare failings point to an NHS culture where care and compassion are no longer...

Planning among nurse managers in district hospitals in Ghana

This article reports the results of a study that explored the planning practices of nurse...

Processes to engage and motivate staff

Nursing has a history of poor workplace contexts in which the focus has been on performing...

An international comparison of the clinical trials nurse role

The collaborative role of clinical trials nurses (CTNs) is crucial to the management of...

Newly qualified staff’s perceptions of senior charge nurse roles

Nursing roles have been recognised as pivotal to the delivery of good quality, patient-...

Collaborative services show positive outcomes for end of life care

The authors outline the benefits of participating in the Transforming End of Life Care in...

Preparing to introduce personal health budgets

A large-scale study ( Forder et al 2012 ) piloting personal health budgets for people with...

Evaluation of organisational culture and nurse burnout

A survey of nurses working with older adults across three NHS trusts was conducted to...

Using the 7 Habits programme to develop effective leadership

This article discusses a short leadership programme for nurse and allied health professional...

