
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

Leadership in practice: an analysis of collaborative leadership in the conception of a...

The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK is evolving to meet the needs of society, but...
Open access

A real-time Excel-based scheduling solution for nursing staff reallocation

Aim This article describes the development and testing of an Excel-based scheduling solution...

The extent to which core nursing textbooks inform holistic spiritual care

National and international professional health and nursing guidelines recommend that...

From healthcare support worker to registered nurse

Workforce planning, education and training are essential for achieving an appropriate mix of...

Developing and piloting a new role to enhance the clinical learning environment

Environments that support pre- and post-registration students’ and staff learning are vital...

Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of same-day discharge following outpatient...

In the US, safe and effective same-day discharge of patients, following uncomplicated,...
Open access

Improving the quality of the NHS workforce through values and competency-based selection

Robust selection processes are essential to ensure the best and most appropriate candidates...

Reducing waste in the NHS: an overview of the literature and challenges for the nursing...

Waste in the NHS is estimated to account for 20% of health expenditure. This article...

Supporting practice learning time for non-medical prescribing students: managers’ views

Managers in healthcare services have ever-increasing demands to consider in relation to...

Performing dual roles in education and practice

Aim To examine the benefits and challenges of dual posts, defined here as lecturers who work...

Anxiety about communication

Social network analysis examines the way individuals are connected within groups or networks...

Enhancing nursing students’ education by coaching mentors

To address some of the recommendations of the Willis Commission ( Royal College of Nursing...

Nurses’ perceptions and experiences of mentoring

Pre-registration education programmes provide nursing students with the skills and knowledge...

Evaluation of a nurse leadership development programme

The challenge for nursing leaders responsible for workforce planning is to predict the...

Social network of an internationally connected nurse leader

Over the past decade, there has been a proliferation of social media sites offering the...

Improving patients’ sleep: reducing light and noise levels on wards at night

There is much research concerning the psychological and physical effects of sleep...

Developing a smartphone app to support the nursing community

Healthcare professionals are turning increasingly to the digital sector to access...

Managers’ role in maximising investment in continuing professional education

Healthcare organisations face the challenge of delivering care in increasingly complex...

