
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

Managing volunteers who support patients with dementia or cognitive impairment

This article discusses the development of the NURTURe model on an acute hospital ward

Investigating the factors that influence Iranian nurses’ workplace happiness

Psychological capital, interactional justice, supervisor support and workplace happiness

Advocating for LGBTQ+ older adults: a review of the role of executive nurses

How to advocate for LGBTQ+ older adults and create safe and inclusive healthcare environments

Identifying the nurse characteristics that affect anticipated turnover

Why nurses in Jordan leave their jobs and how policymakers can develop staff-retention...

Moving evidence into practice with outcomes-driven acuity data

Setting up a multihospital and health information technology acuity council

Using huddles to improve communication and teamwork in an instrument-processing...

Evaluation of staff perceptions of teamwork and communication before and after...

Challenges and opportunities of the executive nurse director role in the UK

A scoping review exploring issues affecting directors’ ability to deliver the nursing agenda
Open access

Strengthening quality assurance by implementing an evidence-based revision of a ward...

Revision of a ward accreditation programme to re-evaluate the metrics used for assessment

Using change management to implement barcode medicines administration technology

Complex projects, such as barcode technology implementation, require staff engagement

Effect of nurse managers’ leadership styles on predicted nurse turnover

Understanding the effects of nurse managers’ leadership on turnover may improve retention

A preceptorship toolkit for nurse managers, teams and healthcare organisations

Researchers have developed a toolkit to develop and improve preceptorship

A nurse-led youth volunteering project to support older people on acute hospital wards

Young people volunteering on acute hospital wards can provide extra support to older patients

What the COVID-19 pandemic tells us about the need to develop resilience in the nursing...

Most research on resilience in healthcare systems such as the NHS is based on organisational...

Analysing the implementation and effects of safe staffing policies in acute hospitals

This article examines the main findings of several high-profile inquiries and reports

Effect of authentic leadership on newly qualified nurses: a scoping review

A review on the relationships between authentic leaders and newly qualified nurses

Effect of e-learning on nurses’ continuing professional development

An exploration of nurses’ views on the value of e-learning

Quality of work life and work-family conflict: a cross-sectional study among nurses in...

The relationship between work-life quality and work-family conflict among nurses in Iran

Exploring the influence of the nursing and medical professions on policy and politics

Nursing Now and the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife, offer new opportunities

