
Anne Campbell: a tribute

A tribute to University of Hertforshire senior lecturer Anne Campbell who died last month.
Anne Campbell

A tribute to University of Hertfordshire senior lecturer Anne Campbell who died last month

Anne Campbell
Anne Campbell: 29 March 1947 to 6 July 2017.

Anne Campbell (née Patterson) was born in Derry, Northern Ireland; she initially trained as a state registered nurse at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, before gaining midwifery (Queen Charlotte’s Hospital, London) and children’s nursing (Great Ormond Street Hospital, London) qualifications.

Her career spanned a number of positions, including working as a nurse in Northern Ireland at the height of the conflicts – she contributed to the 2013 publication: Nurses' Voices from the Northern Ireland Troubles: Personal Accounts from the Front.

The majority of Anne’s nursing career was spent working within the sphere of children’s nursing.

Valued colleague

In 1975 she qualified as a nurse teacher and taught children’s nursing at the school of nursing based at Whipps Cross Hospital and later London South Bank University. In 2007, Anne moved to the University of Hertfordshire where she was a senior lecturer in the children’s nursing team.

Anne was a valued colleague with whom it was a privilege to work. Untold students and staff have benefitted enormously from her immense expertise; she always shared her knowledge willingly and enthusiastically, both in the classroom setting as well as via numerous conference presentations and publications (the last of which were only a few weeks ago) – this has undoubtedly had a huge and positive impact on patient care.

Anne was a nurse to the core and her kind, thoughtful and personal approach to working with and supporting people was well known. She was principled in everything she did, always seeking to ensure fairness and justice; at the same time she had a cheeky sense of humour that was loved by everyone.

She was due to retire at the end of September with numerous ambitions yet to be realised – all with a focus on giving to others. Anne will be greatly missed by her family, friends and colleagues.

Submitted by Lisa Whiting, professional lead, children's nursing, the University of Hertfordshire