
Centenary debate focuses on RCN members

Members should be the focus of the next 100 years of the RCN, congress decides. 
Valerie Phillips

A debate at RCN congress about building on the achievements of the college focused on developing branches and focusing on members.

In a motion designed to celebrate the centenary of the RCN, RCN west Kent and Medway branch asked the nurses assembled what were the most important achievements over the past 100 years and what would members like to achieve over the next 100 years?

The nurses were speaking in the final debate at this year's RCN congress in Glasgow.

More feedback

The final speakers of the day included Valerie Phillips from the north wast London branch who said people attending congress need to feedback information on what had been discussed to other members.

Valerie Phillips. Picture: John Houlihan

‘Lots of members don’t understand the work we do, and need to know about the hard work done by the RCN,’ she said.

These sentiments were echoed by Sarah Waters from the south Birmingham branch who said RCN members need to know more about their college so they can be proud of it.

Pointing to the success the British Medical Association has had with engaging its members she said: ‘How many of us think the 16% turnout in our last ballot was depressing? I see that as a challenge.

‘Look at what we have done as a college with just 16% engagement and imagine what we could do with 80%,’ she urged.

Further information

RCN congress: RCN at 100 debate