
Congress votes not to lobby for individual CPD training budgets

Nurses felt a need for more money to help revalidate
Maura Buchanan

RCN members have rejected a proposal for the RCN to campaign for personalised training budgets.

An emergency resolution at RCN congress this week heard that the budgets would help nurses prove they are fit to practise through the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s (NMC) revalidation process.

RCN acute care forum member Eirlys Thomas proposed the emergency resolution on 20 June for the RCN to lobby employers for individual training budgets.

She said this would allow nurses to undertake the 35 hours of continual professional development (CPD) every three years which is necessary to remain on the NMC register.

CPD pressures

Addressing the main hall at congress in Glasgow, Ms Thomas argued factors like staff shortages and lack of funding often made it hard for nurses to achieve this requirement.

She said: ‘I believe CPD should meet the individual needs of nurses and that from a professional point of view we need to value them and have a formal education programme in place.’

She was supported by Plymouth branch member Lindsey Box.

However, the majority of members spoke in opposition to the plan.

Greater Glasgow branch representative Jane McCready said nurses knew they were responsible for updating their knowledge.

Lack of funding 

She said: ‘How are we going to get employers to agree to fund this? We would be much better off picking the battles we know we can win.’

Former RCN president Maura Buchanan also opposed the plan saying: ‘Revalidation is easy.

‘It’s setting a minimum standard that we should want to be upholding for our profession.’

The apparent close divide in opinion meant for the first time at congress a card vote was called for in which members secretly placed the vote of their choice in a box passed around the audience.

Decisive vote

In the end the result was far from close, with 444 votes against the resolution meaning it was rejected.

Commenting after the debate RCN professional lead for education Gill Coverdale said: ‘Revalidation is an opportunity to improve patient care and keep patients safe by providing a clear system for ensuring registered nurses remain fit to practice and up to date.

‘However, although revalidation is the responsibility of each and every nurse and midwife, employers are encouraged to support them for this system to properly work.

‘Personal training budgets would be a positive signal to nursing staff that they will receive this support, and that their continuing development at work is a priority for all providers of health care.

‘Getting revalidation right is not only good news for nurses, it is good news for patients too.’


Further information:

RCNi's 1hour2empower CPD campaign

Revalidation - essential guide

RCN congress resolution - individual training budgets