Our editors

Lisa BerryLisa Berry


Lisa has worked in healthcare publishing for many years. She joined RCNi as assistant clinical editor of Nursing Standard in 2001, and became editor of Nursing Older People in 2009.

Email: lisa.berry@rcni.com
Tel: +44(0)20 8872 3169
Twitter: @RCNi_Lisa

Lisa BerryZena Aldridge

Consultant editor

Zena’s career in health and social care has spanned four decades, initially in domiciliary care and then as a nursing auxiliary in acute and community settings, before undertaking her nurse training in 2003.

Zena qualified as a mental health nurse at the University of East Anglia (UEA) in 2003 before going on to complete her master’s degree in mental health at the UEA in 2013. More recently, Zena has undertaken doctoral studies at De Montfort University and will complete her PhD imminently having successfully defended her thesis ‘Relationships, morality and emotion: Their impact and influence on nursing home staff decision-making when a resident with advanced dementia deteriorates’ earlier in 2022.

She has relished the challenge of less traditional roles throughout her career but always with a keen focus on improving the outcomes and experiences of care for older people, people living with dementia, their families and carers. Zena's specialist interest includes the care of older people, dementia care, palliative and end of life care, continence management, case management and biopsychosocial care, as well as service integration and quality improvement. Zena is a published author of multiple journal articles and contributor to two books.

Given her various areas of interest, skills and experience Zena holds a portfolio of roles including acting head of nursing for One Norwich Practices, regional clinical advisor (dementia) NHS England and NHS Improvement, clinical adviser (dementia) Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board, and honorary visiting researcher at both Newcastle University and University of Bradford.

Email: z.aldridge@nhs.net

Duncan Tyler

Technical production editor
Email: duncan.tyler@rcni.com

Michael Watson

Copy editor
Email: michael.watson@rcni.com

Helen Hyland

Administration manager
Tel: +44(0)208 872 3138
Email: helen.hyland@rcni.com

Sandra Lynch

Administration assistant