Our editors

Christine WalkerChristine Walker


Christine is the editor of Learning Disability Practice and has also been managing editor at Nursing Standard. She trained as a journalist and has worked for a variety of publications. Christine is also editor of Nursing Children and Young People and co-editor of Mental Health Practice, and a clinical editor specialising in nursing.

Email: chris.walker@rcni.com
Call: 020 8872 3154
Twitter: @RCNi_Christine

Michael BrownMichael Brown

Consultant editor

Michael is director of graduate studies and professor of nursing, Queen's University Belfast. He is a health sciences graduate from Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, and holds a master’s degree in policy and politics from the University of Edinburgh. He undertook a postgraduate teaching certificate and doctorate at Edinburgh Napier University and is a fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He has published in the nursing literature on a range of issues about the care and treatment of people with learning disabilities.

Fatima Hasan

Sub editor
Email: fatima.hasan@rcni.com

Michael Watson

Copy editor
Email: michael.watson@rcni.com

Helen Hyland

Administration manager
Tel: +44(0)208 872 3138
Email: helen.hyland@rcni.com

Sandra Lynch

Administration assistant