
Saving the NHS: why nurses are determined to keep striking

Our podcast hears from nurses on the picket lines and discovers the personal reasons that have driven them to take industrial action

RCN's Pat Cullen (centre) on the picket line at Northern General Hospital, Sheffield.
Picture: John Houlihan

In January thousands of nurses in the NHS staged a two-day strike across England over pay in the latest round of historic RCN industrial action.

But what were the real reasons for nursing staff voting to strike?

Nurses talk of worries about money, patient safety and more

In the latest episode of the Nursing Standard podcast we hear from nurses on the picket lines in South Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Brighton and London about their personal reasons for taking part in the strikes on 18 and 19 January 2023.

Staff spoke to Nursing Standard reporters about their biggest concerns: patient safety and the future of the NHS.

While some nurses told of struggling to pay their bills, nursing students said completing their placement proficiencies was almost impossible as staff shortages meant learning and university paperwork was being side-lined.

The RCN is asking for a pay rise above the rate of inflation in 2022-23, but the government has maintained the demands are ‘unaffordable’ and has offered to talk about next year’s pay award instead.

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