
Compulsory COVID-19 vaccination: does it feel like blackmail to you?

What nurses are saying about the government’s edict that they must be double-jabbed
Nurse receives a coronavirus vaccine

What nurses are saying about the government’s edict that they must be double-vaccinated against coronavirus by April 2022

Nurse receives a coronavirus vaccine
Picture: Alamy

Could the health service see a mass exodus of nurses now that all front-line NHS staff in England must have the COVID-19 vaccine?

Nurses shared their views on the announcement that all patient-facing NHS staff will be required to have both doses of the jab by April 2022 – unless medically exempt.

Worries about impact of mandatory vaccination on an already depleted NHS workforce

Many nurses agreed staff should be vaccinated, while some feared the NHS would be left short-staffed by making it compulsory.

The government’s impact statement on mandatory NHS workforce vaccination revealed that 73,000 NHS workers have not yet had two doses of the COVID-19 jab.

One nurse used Nursing Standard’s Facebook page to share her fear compulsory vaccinations would result in resignations, echoing earlier warnings from NHS Providers.

The nurse posted: ‘The small unit I work on will lose about ten members of its staff out of 30ish and we are already struggling staff wise.’

Another said: ‘I'm just waiting for this to happen in Scotland. I will be sacked as I refuse to get the jab. It’s my body, my choice and I will not be blackmailed into taking something.’

‘I don’t want to see anyone lose their job, I don’t want to see anyone have to walk away from their job’

Sajid Javid, England’s health and social care secretary

Some nurses said that although they had had both doses, they did not believe staff should be ‘blackmailed’ into having it.

But others said nurses have a duty to get the vaccine to protect patients.

Health and social care secretary Sajid Javid told Sky News: ‘I don’t want to see anyone lose their job, I don’t want to see anyone have to walk away from their job.’

NHS Employers chief executive Danny Mortimer said his organisation’s members would be focusing on staff engagement and education in the coming months.

Staff working in social care in England will be leading the way – they have a deadline of 11 November to be fully vaccinated, unless they have medical exemption.

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