
Scottish pay deal: Unison advises nurses to accept 4% offer

Union urges members to vote for the deal while RCN and GMB hold out for bigger increase

Union urges members to vote for the deal while RCN and GMB hold out for bigger increase

Unison is balloting members on the 4% pay deal, but is urging its members to accept

A union has suggested nurses in Scotland should accept the 4% pay rise offered by the Scottish Government.

Unison announced that it is balloting members on the pay offer to NHS workers between 15 April and 5 May. However, the union is recommending that members accept the Scottish government’s proposal.

Unison believes this is ‘the best we will get through negotiations’

A Unison spokesperson said: ‘The offer that has been made by the Scottish Government is 4%. That was the result of negotiations, is better than the Scottish Government’s first offer and, we reckon, is the best we will get through negotiations.’

The ballot wording says: ‘You are being asked to vote on whether or not you accept the pay offer for NHS staff on Agenda for Change bands. Unison is recommending that members vote to accept this pay offer. Unison is recommending accept because the offer is substantially higher than public sector pay deals achieved recently.’

The union’s other reasons for acceptance were that no more negotiations could happen until a new government is in place after the 6 May Scottish parliament election and that if the offer was rejected industrial action would be required to bring the new government to the negotiating table.

Scottish Government ministers said the 4% deal for the 2021-22 pay round for staff on Agenda for Change contracts would boost the average pay of a front-line NHS nurse by more than £1,200 a year.

The deal would be backdated to December 2020 and is on top of the one-off COVID-19 ‘thank you’ bonus of £500 paid to NHS and social care staff in Scotland.

RCN and GMB unions advise nurses to reject 4% offer

The pay offer follows the UK government’s suggestion of a 1% pay rise for NHS workers in England.

The independent Pay Review Body, which advises ministers on pay, is considering its recommendations and is due to report back to the government in May.

Unison members will vote on the pay offer via an email ballot from 15 April to midday on 7 May.

Unison’s recommendation to members to accept the pay offer comes after unions RCN and GMB advised nurses to reject the deal.

The RCN is campaigning for a 12.5% pay rise and GMB is asking for a 15% pay rise. Unite is currently balloting its members on the 4% pay rise offer and this will close on 7 May.

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