
How are you feeling today? A toolkit to improve emotional well-being

Get talking about your mental health and well-being with the help of an online resource

This article is sponsored by NHS Employers

The resource covers the impact of emotions and how to maintain or improve your well-being

Recognising and understanding the state of someone’s physical well-being is usually easier than that of their emotional well-being.

We also generally find it easy to engage in conversations about physical health, while talking about emotional well-being can be more of a challenge.

The How are you feeling NHS? toolkit

Yet the implications of decreased emotional well-being can be significant, as it can contribute to overall poor mental health and stress.

Conversations in the workplace about mental well-being can have a positive impact, and the How are you feeling NHS? toolkit is designed to encourage these conversations.

The easy-to-use resource has been developed with NHS staff to:

  • Help bridge a gap in understanding and enable you to talk openly and regularly about emotional health.
  • Help you assess the impact emotional well-being has on you, your colleagues and patients.
  • Allow for action planning to enable more good days than bad.

Three states of emotional well-being

Staff identified that emotional well-being can be explained in three ways. We are either:

  • On a go-slow;
  • Having a good day, or;
  • On the edge.

The toolkit takes you through what each one of these might mean for your well-being and suggests resources and actions that can support you, no matter how you feel.

Start using the toolkit on NHS Employers’ website now to understand more about your own well-being, or to help you speak to colleagues and support their emotional well-being.

Resources, podcasts and advice: visit our well-being centre

The original version of this article is published on NHS Employers’ website