Nursing studies

Nursing student award 2020 entries open

The search for the winner of the nursing student category at the 2020 RCNi Nurse Awards has begun

This award is for individual nursing students or teams who demonstrate that their nursing practice, perceptions or interactions with patients changed as a result of an incident or experience during training.

The RCNi Nurse Awards invites nurses, students and nursing support workers from across the UK to share their innovations and expertise and celebrate their contributions to improving patient care and outcomes.

5 reasons to enter

  • Receive national recognition for the work you do
  • Get unique exposure for your speciality
  • Improve patient care by showcasing what you do
  • Network with key nurses & influencers
  • Celebrate the achievements of your team

Due to popular demand the deadline has been extended to 7 February

RCNi Nurse Awards 2019 student winners spread the word about their Makaton language resource

Alice Waddington, Eve Hesketh and Emily Kavanagh with the Makaton healthcare cards
they designed and created as nursing students.

Read more about last years winners - Ensuring everyone has a voice: a communication tool for non-verbal patients

Previous nursing student award winners