
Department of Health to hold consultation over draft guidance for restraint restrictions

Draft guidance on the reducing the need for restraint and restrictive intervention for children and young people, has been put out for consultation by the Department of Health

Draft guidance on the reducing the need for restraint and restrictive intervention for children and young people, has been put out for consultation by the Department of Health

  • Staff must have ‘reasonable grounds’ to believe necessary restraint is justified
  • Submissions to comment on the draft guidance close on 24 January

The document is aimed at health professionals, health and social care providers, local authorities, clinical commissioning groups and special schools with clients who have a learning disability, autism spectrum disorder or mental health needs.

Picture: iStock

It is also designed to be of interest to groups such as the police, young offenders’ institutions and mainstream schools.

The guidance is aimed at eliminating inappropriate use of restraint and minimising its use by promoting settings with a positive and proactive approach to behaviour.

Types of restraint described are physical, chemical, mechanical, withdrawal, and seclusion.

‘Reasonable grounds’

It says where restraint is necessary, staff must have ‘reasonable grounds’ to believe it is justified and it should be a last response.

An example given for justified restraint is where there is a ‘real possibility of injury or harm to the child or young person, other children or young people, to staff, the public or others if no intervention or a less restrictive intervention were undertaken’.

Staff are reminded to use the minimum force necessary when applying restraint, the reasons for it and consequences of its use must be subject to an audit and monitoring.

Emotional support following 

The guidance further states that children and young people should be given emotional support after use of restraint.

Staff are encouraged to plan ahead and take into consideration the challenge for people with learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorder or mental health needs when moving to new environments.

To comment on and read the full guidance click here

Submissions close on 24 January.

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