
Theatre nurse and daughter graduate within a week of each other

Mother and daughter collect their degrees at University of Wolverhampton.
Lisa and Stevie Faulkner

Mother and daughter Lisa and Stevie Faulkner graduated from the University of Wolverhampton within a week of each other.

Lisa, a theatre nurse at Walsall Manor Hospital received a BSc in nursing studies (orthopaedic care) on Monday, just days after daughter Stevie picked up her BA in childhood, family and education studies.

Long career

Ms Faulkner, a theatre and trauma coordinator, has been a nurse for almost 30 years.

She said: ‘It was sometimes difficult to juggle full-time work and family life with the challenges of producing high-level assignments.

‘I have found the whole experience very positive, gaining skills and knowledge that will benefit not only me, but my patients and the organisation.

‘The experience we shared at university has been something extra special and unique.’

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