
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

Tools for measuring nursing workload in mental health inpatient wards

Mental health wards should be staffed adequately to be able to provide patients with safe,...

Social integration in mental health rehabilitation services: new roles to enhance...

This article gives an overview of an innovative mental health worker role in an inpatient...

An evaluation of recovery in a forensic mental health service

This service evaluation aims to gain service users’ and staff members’ perspectives on one...

A review of the use of oral and injectable naltrexone for alcohol and opioid addiction...

Background Naltrexone is an opioid receptor antagonist used in the treatment of alcohol and...

Attitudes of dual diagnosis service users to mobile apps that aid treatment adherence

Aims To examine the response of dual diagnosis service users towards the development of a...

A tool to track links between menstruation and mental health

It is widely accepted that the premenstrual phase of the menstrual cycle affects the mental...

The use of robotic animals in dementia care: challenges and ethical dilemmas

This article looks at robotic pets and how they can be used in dementia care. The research...

Measuring complexity and quantity of community caseloads

The caseloads of members of community mental health teams are growing in size and complexity...

Reported outcomes for young people who mentor their peers: a literature review

Mental health issues among young people are increasing and many young people will require...

The stress effects of military families’ transition to civilian life

Society has a moral obligation and duty of care to service personnel and their families, as...

Psychosocial coping strategies for auditory hallucinations

This article considers ways of treating the potential distress arising from experiencing...

Implementing positive behavioural support in a forensic psychiatric intensive care unit...

Positive behavioural support (PBS) is a non-aversive, preventive approach to behavioural...

Male adolescent suicidality: a literature review

In the UK, suicide rates in adolescent males continue to rank consistently and significantly...

Functions of non-suicidal self-injury in prisoners with mental health diagnoses

Aim To gain accounts of the functions of self-harm in a sample of adult male prisoners with...

Retaining and valuing newly qualified nursing staff: evaluation of a peer support group

This article describes a service evaluation of the introduction of a successful local...

Making the link between staff and service-user health

This article describes the introduction of a staff health programme designed to create a...

Improving the perceived quality of life of US military veterans with serious mental...

As the economics of providing healthcare are constantly explored, new models of care must be...

Providing streamlined multiagency care for high-intensity users of mental health and...

Mental health service users often use emergency services and emergency departments (EDs) at...

