
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

Early onset dementia

Young onset dementia service provision and its effect on service users and family members

Evidence for joint police and mental health responses for people in mental health crisis

In the UK, police officers who respond to people in mental health crisis must judge whether...

Young onset dementia service provision and its effect on service users and family...

Dementia in people under the age of 65 is not well recognised and is generally treated in...

Implications of tours of duty on service personnel’s mental health

Many service personnel return home from overseas deployment dramatically changed by their...

Peer support training: values, achievements and reflections

The Institute of Mental Health has been delivering accredited peer support training since...

Experiences of bereavement following the death of animals

The human-animal relationship has been much studied over recent years, but little attention...

International networks: using conferences and site visits to improve care of young...

Nursing care makes a significant contribution to the mental health of young people worldwide...

Evaluation of safewards

Background Safewards is a multicomponent, evidence-based conflict and containment reduction...

Using drama to teach interpersonal skills

This article describes and evaluates an educational intervention that used a drama and...

Assessing a six-month dialectical behaviour therapy skills-only group

Background Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is recognised as a successful treatment for...

Staff attitudes towards people with borderline personality disorder

This article explores and analyses the negative attitudes adopted by some staff towards...

Learning to be a transformational leader

This article is an extended personal reflection on the context of learning and leading...

Media portrayal of mentally disordered offenders: a case study

The negative portrayal by the media of people diagnosed with a mental health disorder who...

Involving service users in training in the management of aggression

It is important to involve service users and carers in the education of current and future...

Depathologising sexualities in mental health services

The aim of this article is to critique heteronormative cultural assumptions that inform...

Treating depression in older adults

As a treatment for depression, behavioural activation is as effective as cognitive behaviour...

Economic assessment of a workplace cognitive behaviour therapy service

This article presents a pragmatic economic assessment of an innovative service providing...

Decision making in mental health team meetings

Background Single point of access meetings represent a critical juncture in the lives of...

