
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

learning disability and epilepsy: comparing experiences

Epilepsy is defined as ‘a symptom of a transient brain dysfunction, where there is...

Down syndrome: exploring the knowledge, attitudes and practice of GPs

It is well established that individuals with learning disabilities have more health...

diagnosis, information and stress in parents of children with a learning disability

Fosome parents, receiving the news that their child has a learning disability can...

beyond zero tolerance in caring for people with learning disability

Since its inauguration in 1999, the concept of zero tolerance (Department of Health...

the balancing act

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) becomes fully operational from the beginning of...

the use of online clinical ‘quandaries’ in professional training

Game-informed learning, through the use of specially adapted computer programs, is...

going mainstream: improving access to counselling services

The Devon County Council Adult Protection Committee report (2006) identified people...

New government, fresh start in scotland?

Before this year’s election, the Scottish National Party (SNP) leader Alex Salmond...

is it pain? A framework for identifying pain in people with learning disabilities

Pain is recognised as: ‘an unpleasant sensation that warns of potential or actual...

digital divides: the implications for social inclusion

The information technology society surrounds us whether or not we choose to, or are...

anticipatory grief and people with learning disabilities

The death of a close family member or friend can have a devastating impact on a...

a to z of autistic spectrum disorder

For the purpose of this poster the umbrella term of ASD has been used instead of...

Investigating complaints

The Health Service Ombudsman, our sister service, investigates complaints about the...

music activities initiated by staff within services for people with intellectual...

The literature on music and music therapy for people with intellectual disability...

The PEPE project: Trialling a German epilepsy education programme for english use

PEPE, a Psycho-Educative Programme about Epilepsy, was designed at the Bethel...

Living with shattered dreams

Much has been written over the years from various professional perspectives about...

Nia’s story … continued

This week I experienced one of my proudest moments – my daughter attending the new...

life story work and bereavement: shared reflections on its usefulness

Supporting a person who has a learning disability with issues relating to loss and...

