Ruth Northway

Planning for research impact

Planning for research impact

An overview of strategies used in a study of a healthcare communication tool

Senior patient with Down's syndrome

Supporting people across the lifespan: the role of learning disability nurses

Strengthening the Commitment, the Modernising Learning Disabilities Nursing Review, highlighted the importance of learning disability nurses providing support across the lifespan. This article describes an activity undertaken at the Living the Commitment Conference in Cardiff in November 2016, at which delegates were asked to identify the roles of learning disability nurses at different lifespan stages. The article examines the responses, which were thematically analysed, and highlights a range of support, some of which is provided across all lifespan stages, and some at specific periods. Responses also identified new and emerging roles across a range of settings, and the importance of influencing policy and commissioning of services. It is not possible to determine whether these roles are fulfilled across the UK, and the article recommends scoping these roles, and using the findings to inform development of learning disability nursing practice, education and research.

Must do better: the lessons to be learned from Winterbourne View

The abuse revealed in last year’s Panorama documentary, Undercover Care: The Abuse Exposed, was not an isolated event. In this article the authors describe previous events and the reactions to them, and warn that abuse will continue unless it is addressed wherever it occurs.

False economy?

It has been said that the first casualty in war is the truth. In the context of health service financial crises it could be argued that one of the first casualties is training.

Using social theory

A book concerning social theory that is a core text for an Open University module about ‘Human geography, philosophy and social theory’ may not be a text to which nurse researchers are immediately drawn. However, this publication is worth a closer look.

Focus on abuse

Over the past decade there has been an increasing awareness that some adults are at particular risk of abuse. This awareness has led to the publication of recent policy guidance documents (Department of Health 2000, National Assembly for Wales 2000) which seek to provide frameworks for the protection of vulnerable adults. However, the translation of policy into practice can present significant challenges to both services and people working within such services.

Inclusion, partnership and innovation

May 31 was an important day for learning disability nurses within Wales. At a conference held in mid Wales Jane Hutt. Welsh Assembly government minister for health and social services, launched a strategy designed to recognise, develop and enhance nurses’ contribution to meeting the needs of people with learning disabilities over the coming decade. The minister paid tribute to the role learning disability nurses have played in developing services for people with learning disabilities. Inclusion, Partnership and Innovation (Welsh Assembly Government 2002) should, she stated, provide a blueprint for developing what is already viewed, within Wales, as a valued and well-established branch of nursing.

Research round-up

A regular look at forthcoming events, courses and information relevant to nursing research