Michaela Nuttall

High blood pressure risk in black communities: how to reduce health inequality

Black people are at disproportionate risk of hypertension, but tailored care changes that

Nurse jigsaw

Promoting leadership in general practice nursing

How the National Association of Primary Care Nurses' Voice Network can improve staff development

Weighing scales

Weighty problem: how we can help staff and colleagues stay healthy

C3 Collaborating for Health has published resources to reduce obesity in the healthcare workforce

Coronary heart disease: risk factor management

Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the UK. Nurses have a pivotal role in the management of high-risk patients and the modification of risk factors.

Coronary heart disease: risk factor management

Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the UK. Nurses have a pivotal role in the management of high-risk patients and the modification of risk factors.