Melaine Coward

Student loans: will repayment changes deter future nurses?

Making ends meet is about to get tougher for nursing students

Importance of reflection in revalidation

Importance of reflection in revalidation

Reflection is a hallmark of professional practice and an important element of the Nursing and Midwifery Council revalidation process. Following two previous continuing professional development articles, on reflection and professional learning and on reflection and personal learning, this article will aim to explore the specific elements of reflection required for revalidation. This publication should help demystify and support registrants embarking on the process.

Reflection and personal learning

Reflection and personal learning

Part one of this six-part continuing professional development series considered the role of nurse managers in supporting reflection for professional learning. It was aimed at enabling readers to consider critically the role of reflection in nursing and relate this to the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s professional requirements. Part two explores approaches to and benefits of reflection for self-development. The notion of self-development may seem removed from professional practice and nurse leadership but the traits that demonstrate who we are, how we learn, how we act and how we influence are related to and transferable from self to professional self. This article considers the purpose of reflecting beyond professional requirements, the influence of our experiences on who we are and what we learn, the value of protected time to think and the benefits of reflecting for personal development. The aim of this article is to consider the transferability of reflection between our professional and personal selves. After reading this article and completing the time outs, you should be able to: • Consider the role of reflection in your personal life. • Develop a considered approach to gaining knowledge through experience. • Contemplate the links between being reflective and being thoughtful.

Encouraging reflection in professional learning

This article examines the role of nurse managers in supporting reflection for professional learning. It aims to enable readers to critically review the role of reflection in nursing and relate this to the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) professional requirements. It also aims to enable readers to consider the purpose of reflection and to help nurse managers explore their role in fostering environments in which to reflect. After reading this article and completing the time outs, you should be able to: • Critically consider the role of reflection in nursing. • Explore the professional requirements relating to the NMC and reflection. • Unpick the purpose of reflection. • Highlight the role of nurse managers in fostering environments in which to reflect.