Mark Smith

Care of the infant with inherent metabolic disease

Early detection and prompt management of metabolic crisis are crucial to favourable outcomes in the infant with an inherent metabolic disease for which treatment is available. The nursing role includes monitoring, support and information giving as well as fluid and dietary management. As technology improves, more infants and children will be diagnosed and survive, requiring care from nurses in a wider range of settings.

A care bundle for management of central venous catheters

Central venous catheters (CVCs) are an essential tool in paediatric intensive care, providing a means to monitor patient haemodynamics and to administer fluids, nutrition, blood products and medications. Because multiple factors contribute to the high risk of catheter related infection, a multi-strategy approach is required to prevent such infections. Using contemporary literature and clinical audit findings a ‘care bundle’ was created for use within the PICU at Birmingham Children’s Hospital. This care bundle groups together best practices in order to prevent catheter related bloodstream infection.

reviews and round-up

A regular look at recent publications and forthcoming events, courses and information relevant to health care and nursing research