Kimberley Hackett

Nursing Standard

Simulated learning hours double for students’ clinical practice

NMC gives go-ahead to increase simulated activities from 300 to 600 hours

Nursing Standard

MPs vote against amendment to protect ‘nurse’ title in law

Labour MP Dawn Butler tabled the amendment to the Health and Social Care Bill

Nursing Standard

Belfast trust in staffing crisis as eight ICU nurses quit in just two weeks

Resignations are part of an ongoing exodus of staff at Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

Nursing Standard

NHS technology slow, outdated and unreliable, nurses tell survey

Patchy internet connection, poor IT support and non-user-friendly systems the top barriers

Nursing Standard

NMC vows to address training gaps after nurse struck off for racial slurs

This follows High Court decision to overturn its ruling to only suspend nurse Melanie Hayes

Nursing Standard

Protecting ‘nurse’ title in law moves a step closer to reality

Labour MP Dawn Butler tables bill amendment so that only NMC-registered nurses are legitimate

Illustration shows nurse walking towards an exit – as nurses respond to NMC report about increasing numbers leaving profession
Nursing Standard

Nurses tell of workload and money pressures fuelling exodus from the profession

Registrants discuss factors forcing many to quit, as NMC reveals extent of departures

Nursing Standard

We can’t break NHS staff anymore, warns critical care nurse lead

Nurse leaders fear many staff will quit due to burnout and winter pressures, a survey reveals

Number of nurses quitting NMC register at a four-yea high in 2021
Nursing Standard

Number of nurses and midwives leaving NMC register hits four-year high

Fair pay rise now an urgent priority, to stop flow of nurses out of profession, insists RCN

Nursing Standard

Sickle cell disease awareness and training must be improved, report urges

‘Serious care failings’ found by inquiry, which calls for better education

Nursing Standard

Pressure on ‘severely depleted’ nursing workforce cannot go on, report warns

RCN says patient and nurse safety is at risk and contributing to an unsustainable NHS

Nursing Standard

Don’t be afraid to ask for help, says recipient of ‘career-saving’ childcare grant

Nurse and health visiting student received £1,000 from Healthcare Workers’ Foundation

Nursing Standard

Former nurse who lost three limbs to sepsis took her own life, inquest told

Jayne Carpenter found hanged in December 2020 after ‘sudden decline’ in mental health

Nurse receives a coronavirus vaccine
Nursing Standard

Compulsory COVID-19 vaccination: does it feel like blackmail to you?

What nurses are saying about the government’s edict that they must be double-jabbed

Nursing Standard

Race discrimination and nursing: rise in referrals to NMC

75 nurses and midwives were referred for racism in 2020 compared to four in 2015

Nursing Standard

Nurses must prioritise their mental health after pandemic burnout

British Association of Critical Care Nurses chair warns ICU workers are experiencing PTSD

Nursing Standard

Chancellor promises nurses a further pay rise in 2022

Any pay increase must be meaningful, unions warn

Nursing Standard

£2.1bn boost to NHS digital technology ‘cannot be a substitute’ for full staffing levels

Investment in improved IT in England receives lukewarm reception from nurse leaders
