Graham Scott

Nursing Standard

Politicians must commit to affordable homes

The cost of housing is an issue for most of us, but nursing staff have been among those hit hardest by soaring property prices. Finding affordable accommodation within striking distance of work is a challenge in many parts of the UK, not only hotspots such as London and south east England that are known to be expensive.

Nursing Standard

Chance to change how NMC spends your subs

It will happen to every nurse and midwife each year, and they can barely fail to notice: £120 leaves his or her bank account and is deposited in the coffers of the Nursing and Midwifery Council.

Nursing Standard

Let’s empower practice nurses to improve care

How many times have we read a report or piece of research that suggests nurses could be taking on more of the work currently performed by doctors? It is invariably accompanied by figures suggesting that the NHS would save squillions of pounds every year if only consultants and GPs let nurses take on more responsibilities. Not only that, but access to services would improve and outcomes would be unaffected or might even be enhanced.


Help on the way for parents whose children suffer brain injuries

New resources will offer support to staff and parents caring for young people who have suffered trauma


Retention drive will include moves to boost advanced roles in nursing

Health Education England wants to make nursing careers more attractive


How nurses in a nightclub helped shape the profession's future

Unusual event gathered views of nurses and students born since 1980, and aimed to help different generations to work better together


New nursing associates must be regulated, health education body told

Most respondents to consultation say nursing associates should have to register with the NMC


Make better use of nurses' skills says leading nurse academic

Nurses are working below the scope of their practice, says leading UK nursing academic speaking at international conference


Improve your understanding of patients' personal histories, older people's nurses urged

Patient behaviour can often be explained by the trauma of living through second world war


Queensland to introduce mandatory nurse-to-patient ratios

Minimum of one nurse to four patients on daytime shifts

Reflective writing
Nursing Standard

An introduction to revalidation

Why revalidation, why now?

Nursing Standard

Improving access to CPD is absolutely vital

Revalidation has arrived. Years in the making, testing and fine tuning, the new system is designed to offer assurance to the public that nurses and midwives are keeping their knowledge, skills and practice up to date. The first 16,000 registrants to be affected directly have until this week to complete the process on the Nursing and Midwifery Council website.

Nursing Standard

Patients need a strong voice in how NHS is run

Politicians, professionals and the public would surely all agree that patients must have a say in the way they access and receive NHS care, and the opportunity to provide feedback easily on their experience. However, the reality is that patients and other service users often struggle to be heard, not least if they seek redress when the quality of care does not meet their expectations.

Nursing Standard

Paltry pay award is an immoral affront

It is hard to believe that the global financial crisis started eight years ago, and even harder to fathom why NHS staff are still being forced to pay for the mistakes of others. Yet the annual confirmation that nurses and their colleagues will receive another pitiful pay award was announced last week, and there is no prospect of improvement until 2021 at the earliest.

Nursing Standard

Get your share of the NHS healthy staff fund

A £600 million initiative has been launched to help NHS staff in England lead healthier lives. Nurses, healthcare assistants and other employees will be offered greater access to workplace physiotherapy services and mental health support, with an emphasis on reducing back injuries and work-related stress.

Nursing Standard

You can’t argue with statistics – or can you?

The results of two major surveys were released last week and laid bare the extent to which nurses are overstretched and undervalued. Both the annual NHS staff survey and an investigation by the BBC provided further proof that there are not enough staff around to ensure that nurses can deliver safe and effective care.

Nursing Standard

Nurse-led practice is a model for change

Primary care in the UK has long been dominated by GPs who have clung on to the power – and money – for decades. But a pioneering group of nurses has shown that turning conventional thinking on its head can have a positive impact on patient outcomes and experience of care.

Nursing Standard

New law on staffing levels will save lives

Good news about nurse staffing levels can be hard to find, so how fantastic that a protracted campaign in Wales finally paid off last week with the passage of legislation to ensure hospital wards are staffed safely. Next month, the Queen will give royal assent to the Safe Nurse Staffing Levels (Wales) Bill, which will save lives, produce better outcomes and enhance the patient experience of care.
