Erin Dean

Nursing Standard

Bedbugs: identifying an infestation and what to advise patients

How to recognise and treat the bites and reduce your risk of bedbug exposure at work

Learning Disability Practice

Can a new training programme help fix the learning disability nurse shortage?

An innovative approach used in Plymouth could help pave the way to attracting new recruits

Nursing Standard

What does a gender identity nurse specialist do – and could it be your next career move?

Find out about the role, the career development opportunities and the skills required

Nursing Standard

Meet the nurses eliminating race-based inequalities in healthcare services

Nurses discuss how they challenge bias – find out about promoting diversity at Nursing Live

Nursing Standard

Why nursing is undervalued – and how to challenge perceptions

Flawed perceptions of the profession are common. Find out how to articulate its value

Nursing Standard

Urgent response in the community: could this be your next career move?

Community response teams need nurses who want to lead and practise autonomously

Nursing Standard

De-escalation techniques: 7 tips for handling conflict situations

Tension occurs in every setting – these skills can help you manage it and stay calm

Nursing Standard

Menopause-friendly workplace: 6 ways to be a supportive manager if staff are struggling

Tips on showing compassion at a time when many women feel forced to give up work

Nursing Standard

What is imposter syndrome – and what can you do about it?

Imposter syndrome can erode self-confidence, but there are ways to defuse its negativity

Nursing Standard

When a patient dies: how nurses in different settings cope with death

Advice and strategies to cope with the feelings you have after the death of a patient

Nursing Standard

Blood transfusion risk: what you need to know to practise safely

How to avoid mistakes in the process that can have devastating consequences

A nurse in green scrubs looks out a window looking pensive and anxious
Nursing Standard

Perimenopause symptoms: the impact on nurses’ home and work lives

The effects can be devastating. Learn more about it at Nursing Live, RCNi’s unique event

Hot weather
Nursing Standard

Survival guide to working in the hot weather: how to stay cool on shift

Nursing work can be extra-punishing in the heat, but some simple actions can help

Nursing Standard

Fundamental care: is competence being eroded in essential areas of practice?

Nurses voice concerns about routine bowel and wound care being missed

Nursing Standard

Should I correct patients if they mistakenly call me ‘nurse’?

Many patients won’t spot the difference between a student and a nurse

Nursing Standard

Redrawing boundaries: how cardiology nurses are embracing what used to be doctors’ roles

Specialist nurses are expanding their professional scope by gaining advanced skills

Nursing Standard

How to give the best continence care when a person is at the end of life

Advice on promoting patients’ dignity while managing their continence needs

Nursing Standard

Can bodycams really protect nurses from sexual assault and aggression at work?

Advocates of surveillance say it modifies behaviour, but opponents worry it damages trust
